Taxonomic description
Has a tapered, large-mouthed fish with dark blue, pointy head.
Has a dark blue back with wavy dark lines, silvery green undersides.
Reaches lengths up to 63 cm (25 in) and weight up to 2.7 kg (6 lbs).
Swim bladder is attached to its esophagus.
Has large eyes relative to other mackerel species.
Ranges from southeastern Alaska to Mexico.
Most common south of Point Conception, California.
Migrates north to Washington in summer, south to Baja California in winter.
Life history
Can live up to 18 years.
As a fast grower, it is able to reproduce by 4 years of age.
Spawns from late April to September off of California, spawning events take place several times a year and yields about 70,000 eggs each time.
Found in dense schools as a defense mechanism against predators, often with other pelagic species.
Feeds on plankton, other pelagic fish (e.g. sardine, anchovy) and its own young.
Is eaten by sharks, tunas, marine mammals, and seabirds.
Usually lives within 20 miles offshore in water between 50 and 72 degrees.
Moves inshore and offshore seasonally off California, and is more abundant inshore from July to November, and offshore March to May.
Juveniles frequent sandy beaches, kelp beds, open bays, and congregate at piers.
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