Global Everfresh

Established in 2021, Global Everfresh Trading Company is a company that provides services for the development of seafood and agricultural products. Which is engaged in production, promotion, and international trade.

What we seek to achieve

Everfresh seeks to create a fast dynamic business to compete with the coming of international trade. We are here to grasp the opportunity and become one of the most reliable suppliers of fisheries and agriculture products in the world.

What we stand for

Everfresh understands that a harmonious and mutually beneficial relationship is built upon trust. We want our clients to trust us, therefore, we strongly persist in always providing sincere and high-integrity services to our clients.

Our Products

One of the fishery products that we have supported for international trade is Pacific Mackerel. We support Pacific Mackarel commodities in terms of production, product development, and sales to several countries in Asia.

Besides Pacific Mackerel, we also support the sale of several other fishery products, such as:

  1. Lobsters
  2. White Snapper Bubbles
  3. Sword Fish

For agricultural products, Fertilizer is one of the main commodities that we support in several countries in Asia. Fertilizer products that we sell include:

  1. Compound Fertilizer
  2. Water Soluble Fertilizer
  3. Organic Fertilizer
  4. Controlled Release Fertilizer
  5. Raw Material (Amonia and chemicals for fertilizer production)

Apart from fertilizers, we also support the sale of several other agricultural products, such as:

  1. Rice
  2. Wheat
  3. Corn
  4. Potatoes
  5. Tomatoes